This section is not available to CyberCash users.
The Manage User page is available to administrators only. It enables you to select the users on the account and modify their information, including their privileges and status.
Your account must have at least one administrator assigned to it. If you have more than one administrator, then you can change the privileges of the other administrators as long as there is one administrator on the account.
To access the Manager Users page, navigate to Account Administration -> Manage Users -> Manage Users.
It lists all the users on your account and displays the following information about each user:
Users. User's first and last name.
Users Login. User's PayPal Manager login.
Role. User's privilege level.
Status. State of the user's account, it could be Activate or Inactive. An "active" user can log in and perform tasks appropriate for their privilege level. An "inactive" user cannot log in to PayPal Manager and perform their assigned tasks as their account has been disabled. That user has no access to that PayPal Manager account until the administrator changes their status to Active.
To view or modify information about a specific user, click on the corresponding Users Login. The Manage Users page appears.