Enter the user's information you wish to modify. You can also reset the user's password, and change their privilege level and status.
Modify the following information under User Information, as needed:
Contact Name. User's actual name. This is required.
Phone. User's phone number. For example, 650-555-1212.
Email. User's email address. This is required.
Reset the user's password under User Login Information, if needed (the user's Partner, Merchant Login, and User Login Name is displayed and cannot be changed):
Reset User Password. Enter a new password for the user.
Confirm User Password. Re-enter the password entered above to confirm it.
Modify the following information under Assign Privilege to User, as needed (if there is only administrator on the account, you cannot change the information in this section until another administrator has been assigned):
Select a Predefined Role. Specify a privilege level.
User Status. Select from Active or Inactive. An "active" user can log in and perform tasks appropriate for their privilege level. An "inactive" user cannot log in to PayPal Manager and perform their assigned tasks as their account has been disabled. That user has no access to that PayPal Manager account until the administrator changes their status to Active.
Click Update. The Manage Users page appears. If there are any errors, a yellow box appears towards the top of the page stating the problem.