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_taggedTemplateLiteral from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/taggedTemplateLiteral';\nimport { css, useTheme, jsx } from '@emotion/react';\nimport { svgBasePath, getColor, getColorValue, ColorContext } from '@paypalcorp/pp-react-utils';\nimport _extends from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends';\nimport _objectWithoutProperties from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties';\nimport React, { useMemo } from 'react';\nvar _templateObject, _templateObject2, _templateObject3, _templateObject4, _templateObject5, _templateObject6, _templateObject7, _templateObject8, _templateObject9, _templateObject10, _templateObject11;\n/* Icon base class */\n\nfunction styles(tokens, colorTokens) {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n if (!Object.keys(tokens).length) {\n console.warn('Missing Emotion theme. Use ThemeProvider from @emotion/react to pass a valid theme from pp-react.');\n return {};\n }\n var sysSizeIconXs = tokens.sysSizeIconXs,\n sysSizeIconSm = tokens.sysSizeIconSm,\n sysSizeIconMd = tokens.sysSizeIconMd,\n sysSizeIconLg = tokens.sysSizeIconLg,\n sysSizeIconXl = tokens.sysSizeIconXl,\n sysColorBackgroundMain = tokens.sysColorBackgroundMain,\n sysColorBackgroundAlt = tokens.sysColorBackgroundAlt,\n sysColorBackgroundSurface = tokens.sysColorBackgroundSurface,\n sysColorBackgroundSurfaceHover = tokens.sysColorBackgroundSurfaceHover,\n sysColorBackgroundSurfaceActive = tokens.sysColorBackgroundSurfaceActive,\n sysColorBackgroundHighContrast = tokens.sysColorBackgroundHighContrast,\n sysColorBackgroundMediumContrast = tokens.sysColorBackgroundMediumContrast,\n sysColorPrimaryMain = tokens.sysColorPrimaryMain,\n sysColorPrimaryMainHover = tokens.sysColorPrimaryMainHover,\n sysColorPrimaryMainActive = tokens.sysColorPrimaryMainActive,\n sysColorPrimaryContrast = tokens.sysColorPrimaryContrast,\n sysColorPrimaryContrastHover = tokens.sysColorPrimaryContrastHover,\n sysColorPrimaryContrastActive = tokens.sysColorPrimaryContrastActive,\n sysColorSecondaryMain = tokens.sysColorSecondaryMain,\n sysColorSecondaryMainHover = tokens.sysColorSecondaryMainHover,\n sysColorSecondaryMainActive = tokens.sysColorSecondaryMainActive,\n sysColorSecondaryContrast = tokens.sysColorSecondaryContrast,\n sysColorTertiaryMain = tokens.sysColorTertiaryMain,\n sysColorTertiaryMainHover = tokens.sysColorTertiaryMainHover,\n sysColorTertiaryMainActive = tokens.sysColorTertiaryMainActive,\n sysColorTertiaryContrast = tokens.sysColorTertiaryContrast,\n sysColorFeaturedMain = tokens.sysColorFeaturedMain,\n sysColorFeaturedMainHover = tokens.sysColorFeaturedMainHover,\n sysColorFeaturedMainActive = tokens.sysColorFeaturedMainActive,\n sysColorFeaturedContrast = tokens.sysColorFeaturedContrast,\n sysColorUnselectedMain = tokens.sysColorUnselectedMain,\n sysColorUnselectedMainHover = tokens.sysColorUnselectedMainHover,\n sysColorUnselectedMainActive = tokens.sysColorUnselectedMainActive,\n sysColorUnselectedContrast = tokens.sysColorUnselectedContrast,\n sysColorSelectedMain = tokens.sysColorSelectedMain,\n sysColorSelectedMainHover = tokens.sysColorSelectedMainHover,\n sysColorSelectedMainActive = tokens.sysColorSelectedMainActive,\n sysColorSelectedContrast = tokens.sysColorSelectedContrast,\n sysColorSelectedRangeMain = tokens.sysColorSelectedRangeMain,\n sysColorSelectedRangeMainHover = tokens.sysColorSelectedRangeMainHover,\n sysColorSelectedRangeMainActive = tokens.sysColorSelectedRangeMainActive,\n sysColorSelectedRangeContrast = tokens.sysColorSelectedRangeContrast,\n sysColorLinkMain = tokens.sysColorLinkMain,\n sysColorLinkMainHover = tokens.sysColorLinkMainHover,\n sysColorLinkMainActive = tokens.sysColorLinkMainActive,\n sysColorLinkAlt = tokens.sysColorLinkAlt,\n sysColorLinkAltHover = tokens.sysColorLinkAltHover,\n sysColorLinkAltActive = tokens.sysColorLinkAltActive,\n sysColorLinkContrast = tokens.sysColorLinkContrast,\n sysColorLinkContrastHover = tokens.sysColorLinkContrastHover,\n sysColorLinkContrastActive = tokens.sysColorLinkContrastActive,\n sysColorAccent1Main = tokens.sysColorAccent1Main,\n sysColorAccent1Contrast = tokens.sysColorAccent1Contrast,\n sysColorAccent2Main = tokens.sysColorAccent2Main,\n sysColorAccent2Contrast = tokens.sysColorAccent2Contrast,\n sysColorAccent3Main = tokens.sysColorAccent3Main,\n sysColorAccent3Contrast = tokens.sysColorAccent3Contrast,\n sysColorAccent4Main = tokens.sysColorAccent4Main,\n sysColorAccent4Contrast = tokens.sysColorAccent4Contrast,\n sysColorErrorMain = tokens.sysColorErrorMain,\n sysColorErrorMainHover = tokens.sysColorErrorMainHover,\n sysColorErrorMainActive = tokens.sysColorErrorMainActive,\n sysColorErrorContrast = tokens.sysColorErrorContrast,\n sysColorWarningMain = tokens.sysColorWarningMain,\n sysColorWarningMainHover = tokens.sysColorWarningMainHover,\n sysColorWarningMainActive = tokens.sysColorWarningMainActive,\n sysColorWarningAlt = tokens.sysColorWarningAlt,\n sysColorWarningContrast = tokens.sysColorWarningContrast,\n sysColorSuccessMain = tokens.sysColorSuccessMain,\n sysColorSuccessMainHover = tokens.sysColorSuccessMainHover,\n sysColorSuccessMainActive = tokens.sysColorSuccessMainActive,\n sysColorSuccessContrast = tokens.sysColorSuccessContrast,\n sysColorSystemMain = tokens.sysColorSystemMain,\n sysColorSystemMainHover = tokens.sysColorSystemMainHover,\n sysColorSystemMainActive = tokens.sysColorSystemMainActive,\n sysColorSystemContrast = tokens.sysColorSystemContrast,\n sysColorInfoMain = tokens.sysColorInfoMain,\n sysColorInfoMainHover = tokens.sysColorInfoMainHover,\n sysColorInfoMainActive = tokens.sysColorInfoMainActive,\n sysColorInfoContrast = tokens.sysColorInfoContrast,\n sysColorSpecialtyMain = tokens.sysColorSpecialtyMain,\n sysColorSpecialtyMainHover = tokens.sysColorSpecialtyMainHover,\n sysColorSpecialtyMainActive = tokens.sysColorSpecialtyMainActive,\n sysColorSpecialtyContrast = tokens.sysColorSpecialtyContrast;\n var base = css(_templateObject || (_templateObject = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\"\\n label: icon_base;\\n speak: none;\\n aspect-ratio: 1;\\n \"])));\n var backgroundBase = css(_templateObject2 || (_templateObject2 = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\"\\n label: icon_background_base;\\n display: inline-block;\\n width: \", \";\\n height: \", \";\\n \"])), sysSizeIconLg, sysSizeIconLg);\n var sizeXs = css(_templateObject3 || (_templateObject3 = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\"\\n label: size_xs;\\n width: \", \";\\n height: \", \";\\n \"])), sysSizeIconXs, sysSizeIconXs);\n var sizeSm = css(_templateObject4 || (_templateObject4 = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\"\\n label: size_sm;\\n width: \", \";\\n height: \", \";\\n \"])), sysSizeIconSm, sysSizeIconSm);\n var sizeMd = css(_templateObject5 || (_templateObject5 = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\"\\n label: size_md;\\n width: \", \";\\n height: \", \";\\n \"])), sysSizeIconMd, sysSizeIconMd);\n var sizeLg = css(_templateObject6 || (_templateObject6 = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\"\\n label: size_lg;\\n width: \", \";\\n height: \", \";\\n \"])), sysSizeIconLg, sysSizeIconLg);\n var sizeXl = css(_templateObject7 || (_templateObject7 = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\"\\n label: size_xl;\\n width: \", \";\\n height: \", \";\\n \"])), sysSizeIconXl, sysSizeIconXl);\n var sizes = {\n xs: sysSizeIconXs,\n sm: sysSizeIconSm,\n md: sysSizeIconMd,\n lg: sysSizeIconLg,\n xl: sysSizeIconXl\n };\n var getIconSizeCss = function (sizeName) {\n var _sizes$sizeName;\n var size = (_sizes$sizeName = sizes[sizeName]) !== null && _sizes$sizeName !== void 0 ? _sizes$sizeName : sizes.xl;\n return css(_templateObject8 || (_templateObject8 = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\"\\n label: size_ \", \";\\n width: \", \";\\n height: \", \";\\n \"])), sizeName, size, size);\n };\n var legalColors = {\n sysColorBackgroundMain: sysColorBackgroundMain,\n sysColorBackgroundAlt: sysColorBackgroundAlt,\n sysColorBackgroundSurface: sysColorBackgroundSurface,\n sysColorBackgroundSurfaceHover: sysColorBackgroundSurfaceHover,\n sysColorBackgroundSurfaceActive: sysColorBackgroundSurfaceActive,\n sysColorBackgroundHighContrast: sysColorBackgroundHighContrast,\n sysColorBackgroundMediumContrast: sysColorBackgroundMediumContrast,\n sysColorPrimaryMain: sysColorPrimaryMain,\n sysColorPrimaryMainHover: sysColorPrimaryMainHover,\n sysColorPrimaryMainActive: sysColorPrimaryMainActive,\n sysColorPrimaryContrast: sysColorPrimaryContrast,\n sysColorPrimaryContrastHover: sysColorPrimaryContrastHover,\n sysColorPrimaryContrastActive: sysColorPrimaryContrastActive,\n sysColorSecondaryMain: sysColorSecondaryMain,\n sysColorSecondaryMainHover: sysColorSecondaryMainHover,\n sysColorSecondaryMainActive: sysColorSecondaryMainActive,\n sysColorSecondaryContrast: sysColorSecondaryContrast,\n sysColorTertiaryMain: sysColorTertiaryMain,\n sysColorTertiaryMainHover: sysColorTertiaryMainHover,\n sysColorTertiaryMainActive: sysColorTertiaryMainActive,\n sysColorTertiaryContrast: sysColorTertiaryContrast,\n sysColorFeaturedMain: sysColorFeaturedMain,\n sysColorFeaturedMainHover: sysColorFeaturedMainHover,\n sysColorFeaturedMainActive: sysColorFeaturedMainActive,\n sysColorFeaturedContrast: sysColorFeaturedContrast,\n sysColorUnselectedMain: sysColorUnselectedMain,\n sysColorUnselectedMainHover: sysColorUnselectedMainHover,\n sysColorUnselectedMainActive: sysColorUnselectedMainActive,\n sysColorUnselectedContrast: sysColorUnselectedContrast,\n sysColorSelectedMain: sysColorSelectedMain,\n sysColorSelectedMainHover: sysColorSelectedMainHover,\n sysColorSelectedMainActive: sysColorSelectedMainActive,\n sysColorSelectedContrast: sysColorSelectedContrast,\n sysColorSelectedRangeMain: sysColorSelectedRangeMain,\n sysColorSelectedRangeMainHover: sysColorSelectedRangeMainHover,\n sysColorSelectedRangeMainActive: sysColorSelectedRangeMainActive,\n sysColorSelectedRangeContrast: sysColorSelectedRangeContrast,\n sysColorLinkMain: sysColorLinkMain,\n sysColorLinkMainHover: sysColorLinkMainHover,\n sysColorLinkMainActive: sysColorLinkMainActive,\n sysColorLinkAlt: sysColorLinkAlt,\n sysColorLinkAltHover: sysColorLinkAltHover,\n sysColorLinkAltActive: sysColorLinkAltActive,\n sysColorLinkContrast: sysColorLinkContrast,\n sysColorLinkContrastHover: sysColorLinkContrastHover,\n sysColorLinkContrastActive: sysColorLinkContrastActive,\n sysColorAccent1Main: sysColorAccent1Main,\n sysColorAccent1Contrast: sysColorAccent1Contrast,\n sysColorAccent2Main: sysColorAccent2Main,\n sysColorAccent2Contrast: sysColorAccent2Contrast,\n sysColorAccent3Main: sysColorAccent3Main,\n sysColorAccent3Contrast: sysColorAccent3Contrast,\n sysColorAccent4Main: sysColorAccent4Main,\n sysColorAccent4Contrast: sysColorAccent4Contrast,\n sysColorErrorMain: sysColorErrorMain,\n sysColorErrorMainHover: sysColorErrorMainHover,\n sysColorErrorMainActive: sysColorErrorMainActive,\n sysColorErrorContrast: sysColorErrorContrast,\n sysColorWarningMain: sysColorWarningMain,\n sysColorWarningMainHover: sysColorWarningMainHover,\n sysColorWarningMainActive: sysColorWarningMainActive,\n sysColorWarningAlt: sysColorWarningAlt,\n sysColorWarningContrast: sysColorWarningContrast,\n sysColorSuccessMain: sysColorSuccessMain,\n sysColorSuccessMainHover: sysColorSuccessMainHover,\n sysColorSuccessMainActive: sysColorSuccessMainActive,\n sysColorSuccessContrast: sysColorSuccessContrast,\n sysColorSystemMain: sysColorSystemMain,\n sysColorSystemMainHover: sysColorSystemMainHover,\n sysColorSystemMainActive: sysColorSystemMainActive,\n sysColorSystemContrast: sysColorSystemContrast,\n sysColorInfoMain: sysColorInfoMain,\n sysColorInfoMainHover: sysColorInfoMainHover,\n sysColorInfoMainActive: sysColorInfoMainActive,\n sysColorInfoContrast: sysColorInfoContrast,\n sysColorSpecialtyMain: sysColorSpecialtyMain,\n sysColorSpecialtyMainHover: sysColorSpecialtyMainHover,\n sysColorSpecialtyMainActive: sysColorSpecialtyMainActive,\n sysColorSpecialtyContrast: sysColorSpecialtyContrast\n };\n var ICON_FALLBACK_COLOR = legalColors.sysColorBackgroundHighContrast;\n var getMaskImageCss = function (colorName, iconName, cdnHost) {\n var iconURL = \"\".concat(svgBasePath(cdnHost), \"/\").concat(iconName, \".svg\");\n var iconColor = getColor(colorName, legalColors, ICON_FALLBACK_COLOR);\n return css(_templateObject9 || (_templateObject9 = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\"\\n label: \", \";\\n mask: url(\", \") center no-repeat;\\n background-color: \", \"; // Note: we set the BACKGROUND color here...\\n \"])), \"mask-\".concat(colorName), iconURL, getColorValue(colorTokens, iconColor, 'contrast'));\n };\n var getColorCss = function (colorName) {\n return colorName ? css(_templateObject10 || (_templateObject10 = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\"\\n label: \", \";\\n color: \", \";\\n \"])), \"\".concat(colorName), getColorValue(colorTokens, getColor(colorName, legalColors, ICON_FALLBACK_COLOR), 'contrast')) : null;\n };\n var svg = css(_templateObject11 || (_templateObject11 = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\"\\n label: svg;\\n speak: none;\\n display: inline-block;\\n aspect-ratio: 1;\\n img,\\n svg {\\n width: 100%;\\n height: 100%;\\n display: block;\\n }\\n \"])));\n return {\n base: base,\n backgroundBase: backgroundBase,\n sizeXs: sizeXs,\n sizeSm: sizeSm,\n sizeMd: sizeMd,\n sizeLg: sizeLg,\n sizeXl: sizeXl,\n svg: svg,\n legalColors: legalColors,\n getIconSizeCss: getIconSizeCss,\n getMaskImageCss: getMaskImageCss,\n getColorCss: getColorCss\n };\n}\nvar _excluded = [\"as\", \"size\", \"color\", \"className\", \"children\"];\nvar IconContainer = function (_ref) {\n var _iconStyles$getColorC;\n var _ref$as = _ref.as,\n as = _ref$as === void 0 ? 'span' : _ref$as,\n _ref$size = _ref.size,\n size = _ref$size === void 0 ? 'md' : _ref$size,\n color = _ref.color,\n className = _ref.className,\n children = _ref.children,\n rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded);\n var tokens = useTheme();\n var colorTokens = React.useContext(ColorContext);\n var iconStyles = useMemo(function () {\n return styles(tokens, colorTokens);\n }, [tokens, colorTokens]);\n var cssVal = [iconStyles.svg, size === 'xs' && iconStyles.sizeXs, size === 'sm' && iconStyles.sizeSm, size === 'md' && iconStyles.sizeMd, size === 'lg' && iconStyles.sizeLg, size === 'xl' && iconStyles.sizeXl, (_iconStyles$getColorC = iconStyles.getColorCss) === null || _iconStyles$getColorC === void 0 ? void 0 : _iconStyles$getColorC.call(iconStyles, color)];\n return jsx(as, _extends({\n css: cssVal,\n className: className,\n \"data-ppui-info\": \"icons_8.15.0\"\n }, rest), children);\n};\nvar _excluded$1 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded2 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded3 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded4 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded5 = 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[\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded60 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded61 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded62 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded63 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded64 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded65 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded66 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded67 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded68 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded69 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded70 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded71 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded72 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded73 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded74 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded75 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded76 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded77 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded78 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded79 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded80 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded81 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded82 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded83 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded84 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded85 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded86 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded87 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded88 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded89 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded90 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded91 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded92 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded93 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded94 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded95 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded96 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded97 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded98 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded99 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded100 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded101 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded102 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded103 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded104 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded105 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded106 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded107 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded108 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded109 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded110 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded111 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded112 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n 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[\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded244 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded245 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded246 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded247 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded248 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded249 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded250 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded251 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded252 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded253 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded254 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded255 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded256 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded257 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded258 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded259 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded260 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded261 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded262 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded263 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded264 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded265 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded266 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded267 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded268 = [\"svgElementRef\"],\n _excluded269 = 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props.children);\n};\nvar AddVideoIcon = function (props) {\n var svgElementRef = props.svgElementRef,\n rest = _objectWithoutProperties(props, _excluded6);\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(IconContainer, _extends({}, rest, {\n \"data-ppui\": \"true\"\n }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"svg\", {\n xmlns: \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\",\n fill: \"currentColor\",\n viewBox: \"0 0 24 24\",\n width: \"1em\",\n height: \"1em\",\n ref: props.svgElementRef,\n \"data-ppui\": \"true\"\n }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"path\", {\n d: \"M12.623 15.742a.75.75 0 0 1 .75-.75h1.625v-1.625a.75.75 0 0 1 1.5 0v1.625h1.625a.75.75 0 0 1 0 1.5h-1.625v1.625a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-1.625h-1.625a.75.75 0 0 1-.75-.75z\",\n \"data-ppui\": \"true\"\n }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"path\", {\n fillRule: \"evenodd\",\n d: \"M3 3.996a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v10a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h6.504A6.25 6.25 0 1 0 20 11.162V4.996a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H3zM14.182 20.23a4.753 4.753 0 0 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\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\",\n fill: \"currentColor\",\n viewBox: \"0 0 24 24\",\n width: \"1em\",\n height: \"1em\",\n ref: props.svgElementRef,\n \"data-ppui\": \"true\"\n }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"path\", {\n fillRule: \"evenodd\",\n d: \"M3 5.999a1 1 0 0 0 1 1v12a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h14a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-12a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H4a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v1zm10.413 4.21c-.53 1.246-2.296 1.246-2.826 0a1.027 1.027 0 0 0-.295-.377c-.165-.134-.505-.335-1.193-.335-.67 0-1.126.322-1.38.827-.27.537-.351 1.394.096 2.397.416.933 1.279 1.92 2.25 2.69.474.376.935.669 1.323. 16.5h.004c.03-.006.228-.04.611-.229a7.68 7.68 0 0 0 1.324-.858c.971-.768 1.832-1.754 2.244-2.687l.002-.005c.447-1.003.366-1.86.096-2.397-.254-.505-.71-.827-1.38-.827-.688 0-1.028.2-1.194.335a1.029 1.029 0 0 0-.294.377z\",\n clipRule: \"evenodd\",\n \"data-ppui\": \"true\"\n })), props.children);\n};\nvar GetDirectionsIcon = function (props) {\n var svgElementRef = props.svgElementRef,\n rest = 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rest = _objectWithoutProperties(props, _excluded141);\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(IconContainer, _extends({}, rest, {\n \"data-ppui\": \"true\"\n }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"svg\", {\n xmlns: \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\",\n fill: \"currentColor\",\n viewBox: \"0 0 24 24\",\n width: \"1em\",\n height: \"1em\",\n ref: props.svgElementRef,\n \"data-ppui\": \"true\"\n }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"path\", {\n fillRule: \"evenodd\",\n d: \"M17.43 18.791c.713.03 1.454-.494 2.036-1.17.311-.353 1.213.132 1.002.606C19.787 19.709 18.423 21 16.87 21c-1.754-.01-2.716-1.16-2.716-2.874V14c0-.444-.221-.746-.682-.746-1.975 0-3.429 5.062-3.57 6.777-.04.575-.861.706-1.302.695-.391-.01-1.063-.14-1.113-.635 0-3.489 0-5.648.01-9.147-1.183-.06-2.526-.403-3.368-1.3-1.023-1.09-.803-2.693.711-3.087.13-. 1.274 2.542 2.357 2.703 0-.464 0-1.35-.01-1.815-.03-6.04 8.04-5.87 7.89-1.069-.09 2.824-3.148 4.064-5.354 4.407v4.417c.742-2.016 1.745-4.467 4.27-4.367 1.455.102 2.226 1.16 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props.svgElementRef,\n rest = _objectWithoutProperties(props, _excluded255);\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(IconContainer, _extends({}, rest, {\n \"data-ppui\": \"true\"\n }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"svg\", {\n xmlns: \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\",\n fill: \"currentColor\",\n viewBox: \"0 0 24 24\",\n width: \"1em\",\n height: \"1em\",\n ref: props.svgElementRef,\n \"data-ppui\": \"true\"\n }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"path\", {\n fillRule: \"evenodd\",\n d: \"M8.5 8A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6 5.5v-.156A2.344 2.344 0 0 1 8.344 3a3.908 3.908 0 0 1 3.654 2.524A3.91 3.91 0 0 1 15.655 3 2.345 2.345 0 0 1 18 5.345V5.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 15.5 8H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v10a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H5a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V9a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h3.5zm-1-2.656V5.5a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h2.216a2.407 2.407 0 0 0-2.372-2 .844.844 0 0 0-.844.844zm9 .001V5.5a1 1 0 0 1-1 1h-2.22a2.41 2.41 0 0 1 2.375-2c.467 0 .845.378.845.845zM6.75 10.5a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.5h4.5v5.25a.75.75 0 0 0 1.5 0V12h4.5a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.5h-4.5v-.75a.75.75 0 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props.svgElementRef,\n rest = _objectWithoutProperties(props, _excluded328);\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(IconContainer, _extends({}, rest, {\n \"data-ppui\": \"true\"\n }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"svg\", {\n xmlns: \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\",\n fill: \"currentColor\",\n viewBox: \"0 0 24 24\",\n width: \"1em\",\n height: \"1em\",\n ref: props.svgElementRef,\n \"data-ppui\": \"true\"\n }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"path\", {\n fillRule: \"evenodd\",\n d: \"M18 9c0 .996-.243 1.935-.672 2.761a3.001 3.001 0 0 1 3.793.422l.587.605a1 1 0 0 1-.016 1.409l-4.724 4.653A4 4 0 0 1 14.16 20H9.5l-1.543 1.543a1 1 0 0 1-1.414 0l-3.836-3.836a1 1 0 0 1 0-1.414l3.121-3.121a3.998 3.998 0 0 1 1.193-.822A6 6 0 1 1 18 9zm-5.5 4.5V15H9.75a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.5h4.238a1.496 1.496 0 0 0 1.072-.44l2.848-2.847a1.494 1.494 0 0 1 1.35-.411c.29.056.566.199.787.426l.24.249-4.37 4.304a2.5 2.5 0 0 1-1.754.719H8.879l-1.63 1.629L4.122 17l2.768-2.768a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 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IndustrialIcon, InformationIcon, InformationSmIcon, InsightsIcon, InstallmentsIcon, InsuranceIcon, InsuredIcon, InternationalIcon, InternetIcon, InvestIcon, InvoiceIcon, JewelryIcon, JusticeIcon, LaptopIcon, LawnIcon, LeftAlignIcon, LetterCheckmarkIcon, LightBulbIcon, LikeIcon, LikeSelectedIcon, LinkIcon, ListSimpleIcon, LitecoinIcon, LoansIcon, LocationIcon, LockIcon, LogoutIcon, LoyaltyCardIcon, LuggageIcon, MedicalIcon, MembershipsIcon, MemorialsIcon, MenuIcon, MerchantIcon, MessageCenterIcon, MessageIcon, MgmIcon, MicrophoneIcon, MilitaryIcon, MoveIcon, MovieIcon, MusicIcon, MusicalInstrumentsIcon, MuteIcon, NavigateIcon, NightIcon, NoIconIcon, NotificationIcon, NotificationPreferencesIcon, NumberPadIcon, NumberedListIcon, OccasionIcon, OffersIcon, OfficeSuppliesIcon, OfflineIcon, OnlineIcon, OnlineShoppingIcon, OpenBrowserIcon, OrderAheadIcon, OthersIcon, OverflowIcon, PackageSizeIcon, PartySuppliesIcon, PasskeyIcon, PasswordInputIcon, PauseIcon, PayLaterIcon, PayMonthlyIcon, PayoutsIcon, PaypalAppIcon, PaypalAssistantIcon, PendingPausedIcon, PersonalInfoIcon, PersonalSavingsIcon, PetSuppliesIcon, Phone2Icon, PhoneIcon, PhotoIdIcon, PictureBrokenIcon, PictureIcon, PinIcon, PixIcon, PlayIcon, PledgeIcon, PreferredIcon, PreferredSelectedIcon, PreviewIcon, PrintIcon, PropertyMgmtIcon, PurchaseProtectionIcon, QrcIcon, QuestionIcon, QuestionSmIcon, RainyDayIcon, RecurrentIcon, RecurringPausedIcon, RefreshIcon, RefundIcon, RegistrationDocIcon, ReloadPhonesIcon, RentIcon, ReportProblemIcon, RequestMoneyIcon, ResolutionIcon, RetirementIcon, ReturnRightIcon, RewardsIcon, RightAlignIcon, SafariIcon, SavingsIcon, ScanBarcodeIcon, ScanIcon, ScienceIcon, SearchIcon, SearchSmIcon, SecurityIcon, SendMoneyIcon, SendToBankIcon, ServicesIcon, SettingsIcon, SewingIcon, ShareAndroidIcon, ShareFacebookIcon, ShareIcon, ShareInstagramIcon, ShareIosIcon, ShareLineIcon, ShareLinkedinIcon, ShareMessengerIcon, ShareSnapchatIcon, ShareTwitterIcon, ShareWechatIcon, ShareWhatsappIcon, ShippingIcon, ShippingLabelIcon, ShippingPackIcon, ShippingSendIcon, ShoesIcon, ShopIcon, ShoppingBasketIcon, ShoppingCartIcon, SkipIcon, SmartphonePhotoIcon, SnoozeIcon, SocialJusticeIcon, SpiritualityIcon, SplitBillIcon, SportsIcon, SubscriptionsIcon, SubtractIcon, SurveyIcon, SwitchCardIcon, TermsIcon, TipJarIcon, ToolsIcon, TopUpIcon, ToysIcon, TransferIcon, TravelIcon, TreatYourselfIcon, TrophyIcon, TuitionIcon, UndoIcon, UnlockIcon, UnmuteIcon, UploadIcon, UserProfileIcon, VacationIcon, VerifiedIcon, VideoGamesIcon, ViewIcon, WalletIcon, WandIcon, WarningIcon, WarningSmIcon, WebsiteIcon, WellnessIcon, WildlifeIcon, WithdrawCashIcon, WorkingCapitalIcon, ZoomInIcon, ZoomOutIcon, styles as iconStyles };"],"sourceRoot":""}