
Case Report

This report enables you  to view, sort, and download the details of buyer complaint and chargeback cases associated with your account. Any changes to cases after the daily update will be captured the next day.

Searching for a Case Report

Perform the following steps to generate a report:

  1. Select a Case Status from the drop-down menu:

  2. From the Date Range drop-down menu, select a start and end date for your search. Specify a maximum date range of 90 days.

  3. Click View Report to generate the report.

Viewing Case Report Results

The report displays the transactions that fit the date range and currency criteria you selected. You can click Print to print the report, or download the report in the following formats:




Case type

The type of case made against the transaction.

The case type must be one of the following six values:

  • Bank Return - These are received via the ACH (bank) networks for those cases where the consumer used a bank to fund the PayPal payment. While uncommon for US consumer transactions, these are not uncommon for worldwide consumers because credit card penetration is lower than in the US. The amount of the disputed transaction is often held in an unavailable balance until the ACH return is resolved. Once the ACH return is resolved, the amount being held is released. If the merchant was found to be at fault for the ACH return, a separate debit adjustment occurs.

  • Chargeback - These are received directly by PayPal and represent cases where the consumer feels that PayPal will better resolve the complaint than their funding source, or the PayPal payment was funded directly from the consumer’s PayPal balance. The amount of the chargeback is often held in an unavailable balance until the chargeback is resolved. Once the chargeback is resolved, the amount being held is released. If the merchant was found to be at fault for the chargeback, a separate debit adjustment occurs.

  • Claim - A claim is filed by a consumer against a merchant when the consumer is seeking a reversal of a transaction with a merchant. A consumer can file a claim without having first filed a dispute. All unresolved disputes automatically become claims. The amount of the chargeback is often held in an unavailable balance until the dispute is resolved. Once the dispute is resolved, the amount being held is released. If the merchant was found to be at fault for the dispute, a separate debit adjustment occurs.

  • Dispute - A dispute is filed against by a consumer against a merchant when the consumer wants to work with the merchant to resolve an issue with a payment. There is no money movement for a dispute. Merchants are encouraged to reply to disputes to prevent a consumer claim against a transaction.

  • Reversal/Temporary Hold - PayPal will sometimes pull specific transaction(s) based on the appearance of fraudulent activity, or actual fraud. Because this is a PayPal initiated investigation, the merchant needs to resolve with PayPal and not with the counter party. The amount of the questionable transaction is often held in an unavailable balance until the investigation is complete. Once the investigation is complete, the amount being held is released. If the merchant was found to be at fault for the questionable transaction, a separate debit adjustment occurs.

  • Unauthorized - These are received directly by PayPal in cases where either PayPal or the consumer has identified possible fraudulent use of their PayPal account. The amount of the disputed transaction is often held in an unavailable balance until the investigation is complete. Once the investigation is complete, the amount being held is released. If the merchant was found to be at fault for the dispute, a separate debit adjustment occurs.

Text strings are guaranteed to be immutable and consistent.

Case ID

Unique ID generated by PayPal. It can be used to refer to a case when discussing your cases with PayPal service representatives. It is in the following format - PP-000-111-222-333.

Original Transaction ID

ID of the transaction against which the case was filed This unique 17 character ID is generated by PayPal and cannot be altered.

Transaction Date

Completion date of the transaction, in yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS format. You can use this date to reconciliation with the Transaction Detail Report and Settlement Report.

Transaction Invoice ID

Invoice ID that you provided with the transaction. This value is assumed to be unique upon entry into the PayPal transaction database.

  • There are situations where duplicates are allowed. For example, if you capture against an auth, you can use the same invoice ID for multiple captures. Invoice ID does not show with all transactions. However, it must show with the Settlement and Sale transactions (when passed). Because this is a merchant-configured field, you are responsible for this data and its consistency within your data store and relative to other transactions.

Card Type

Displays the credit card type used for transaction involved in a credit card chargeback.

  • This field is visible only if you accept Pro, Virtual Terminal, or Hosted Solution customers.

Case Reason

The systematic reason for the case.

  • Unauthorized payment

  • Item not received

  • Merchandise

  • Duplicate payment

  • Special

  • Recurring payment canceled

  • Defective or item not as described

  • Processing error

  • Credit not processed

  • Charge not recognized

  • Other

  • Unauthorized

  • Inquiry

  • Inquiry by PayPal

  • Funding Decline

  • Not as described

  • Non-receipt

  • Non-receipt

  • Defective or Incorrect Merchandise

  • Unwanted Merchandise

Claimant Name

Name of the claimant as it appears in the original PayPal payment being disputed. The value is acquired from the original transaction. If the claimant is a business, this field contains the business name and not the First Name/Last Name combination used for individuals.

If the case type is a PayPal Fraud Investigation, the claimant name is the name from the original transaction even though the claim was most likely initiated by PayPal.

Claimant Email Address

PayPal email address of the buyer as it appeared in the disputed transaction. The email address is also the account contact point between buyers and sellers within the PayPal system.

If the case type is PayPal Fraud Investigation, the claimant email address is email address from the original transaction even though the claim was most likely initiated by PayPal.

Case Filing Date

Date that the case was originally filed with PayPal, in yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS format. Keep track of this date to ensure that you understand how much time remains for them to respond.

Case Status

State or the status of the case.

The following is the list of all statuses that could be returned for a given case:

  • Case Closed

  • Pending

  • Refund Pending

  • Being Reviewed By PayPal

  • Waiting For Seller's Response

  • Requiring your action

  • Waiting For Your Fax

  • Waiting for Buyer's Response

  • Decision Appealed By Seller

  • Deferred

  • Waiting For Additional Information

  • Waiting for Shipment Tracking Information

  • Open

  • Text strings are guaranteed to be immutable and consistent.

Response Due Date

Date by which you should respond to the case filed against you.

Disputed Amount

Amount being disputed by the buyer in the original transaction. Because buyers may sometimes dispute only part of the payment, the disputed amount may be different than the total gross or net amount of the original transaction.

Pay close attention to this amount, even if you pull the transaction details using the Invoice ID or Transaction ID.

Disputed Currency

Currency of the disputed amount. The currency of the dispute is always the same as the amount of the original payment. Buyers are not allowed to request refunds or reversal in a different currency.

Disputed Transaction ID

Transaction ID generated at the time of the money movement event. This unique 17 character ID is generated by PayPal and cannot be altered.

Money Movement

Indicates whether PayPal moved money into or out of your account as a result of the outcome of the case. Sample values:

  • On temporary hold

  • Temporary hold released

  • Credit

  • Debit

  • No Impact

Settlement Type

Mode used to return the money to the buyer -

  • Refund

  • Partial Refund

  • Reversal

  • Adjustment

Seller Protection

Specifies the Seller Protection status -

  • Eligible – Seller is eligible to be protected by PayPal's Seller Protection Policy for Unauthorized Payments and Item Not Received.

  • ItemNotReceivedEligible – Seller is eligible to be protected by PayPal's Seller Protection Policy for Item Not Received only.

  • UnauthorizedPaymentEligible – Seller is eligible to be protected by PayPal's Seller Protection Policy for Unauthorized Payment only.

  • Ineligible –  Seller is not protected under the Seller Protection Policy.

Seller Protection Payout Amount

Amount PayPal paid on the behalf of the seller to the buyer as a result of the Seller Protection coverage.

Seller Protection Currency

Currency of the amount PayPal paid on the behalf of the seller to the buyer as a result of the Seller Protection coverage.

Payment Tracking ID

Unique ID specified by partners to obtain information about a payment or to request a refund.

Buyer Comments

Comments provided by the buyer while filing the case in the Resolution Center.