
Sample Reference Transaction

In this example, you authorize an amount of $100 for a shipment and charge $66 for the first partial shipment using a normal Delayed Capture transaction. You charge the $34 for the final part of the shipment using a reference transaction to draw credit card and shipping address information from the initial Authorization transaction.

Step 1 Initial transaction (Authorization)

Use an Authorization transaction for the full amount of the purchase of $100.

Step 2 Capture the authorized funds for a partial shipment of $66

When you deliver the first $66 worth of products, you use a Delayed Capture transaction to collect the $66.

Step 3 Submit a new sales transaction of $34 for the rest of the shipment

Option 1. Once you have shipped the remainder of the product, you can collect the remaining $34 in a Sale transaction that uses the initial authorization as a reference transaction. (This is a Sale transaction because only one Delayed Capture transaction is allowed per authorization.)

Option 2. In the case that your business model uses the Authorization/Delayed Capture cycle for all transactions, you can use an Authorization/Delayed Capture to collect the $34. You generate the authorization for the $34 using the initial authorization as a reference transaction.