Notification Preferences page enables you to perform the following two tasks:
Set your notification preferences for receiving promotional emails from PayPal.
Specify an email address of the person who should receive notifications regarding scheduled events.
Only administrators can modify the notifications preferences. If you do not have administrator privileges, you can only view this information here.
To access the Notification Preferences page, navigate to Account Administration -> Account Preferences > Notification Preferences.
In the Product Promotional Preferences section, select Yes to receive email communication about PayPal products and promotions. If you want to discontinue notifications, select No.
In the Send a Schedule Notification To section, specify the complete email address, such as, of the person who should receive notifications regarding a scheduled event. For example, if you scheduled a report to be run on a weekly basis, then PayPal will communicate the availability of the report to this email address.
Click Submit. A gray notification box appears towards the top of the page confirming the changes. If there are any errors, a yellow box appears towards the top of the page stating the problem.