Primary Contact

Primary Contact Information page contains information about the primary contact person on your Payflow account. The primary contact typically owns the business relationship with PayPal and receives marketing, training, product, and service change and enhancement information.

Viewing or Modifying Your Primary Contact Information

To access the Primary Contact Information page, navigate to Account Administration -> Contact Information -> Primary Contact.

  1. Review and change any information as needed. The table below contains information that appears on this page.

  2. Be sure to enter information for all fields denoted by an asterisk.



Contact Name

Name of the primary contact.


Phone number of the primary contact. Use the following format: 650-555-1212.


Fax number of the primary contact. Use the following format: 650-555-1212


Email address of the primary contact.


  1. Click Update to save the changes. A gray notification box appears towards the top of the page confirming the changes. If there are any errors, a yellow box appears towards the top of the page stating the problem.