This page is available only if you have signed up for Recurring Billing Services.
Configure Merchant Email page enables you to request email summaries that will help you to manage your recurring billing transactions. These messages are sent every day during which a recurring payment occurred.
Only administrators can modify this information. If you do not have administrator privileges, you can only view this information here.
To access the Configure Merchant Email page, navigate to Service Settings -> Recurring Billing -> Merchant Email.
Select one of the following options:
Daily Transaction Summary. Lists the total number of approved and declined transactions during the 24-hours period prior to the email date.
Daily Detailed Transaction Summary. Lists profile and transaction details for all approved and declined transactions during the 24-hour period to the email date.
None. No transaction summary is sent using email.
In the Merchant Email Address field, enter the email address from which the messages should originate. This is typically the email address of someone in your organization that can provide support.
Click Submit. A gray notification box appears towards the top of the page confirming the changes. If there are any errors, a yellow box appears towards the top of the page stating the problem.
Select Monthly Credit Card Expiration Email if you want a list of profiles that use credit cards that will expire soon or have already expired.
In the Email Address field, enter the email address from which the messages should originate. This is typically the email address of someone in your organization that can provide support.
Click Submit. A gray notification box appears towards the top of the page confirming the changes. If there are any errors, a yellow box appears towards the top of the page stating the problem.