Merchant Bank Information

Merchant Bank Information page allows you to view and modify the contact information for the merchant bank that maintains your internet merchant account. A merchant bank is a bank or financial institution that issues an internet merchant account for the acceptance of online transactions. The contact person is typically the Sales representative or manager who sold you the internet merchant account.

You cannot change your Internet merchant account number here. However, if you have any plans to change it, be sure that you notify both PayPal support at 888-883-9770 and your processor, otherwise your transactions can begin to fail.

Viewing or Modifying your Merchant Bank Information

To access the Merchant Bank Information page, navigate to Account Administration -> Processor & Merchant Bank Information -> Merchant Bank Information.

  1. Modify the information as required. The table below contains information that appears on this page.



Bank Name

Name of your merchant bank.

Contact Name

Name of the person who is your contact at the merchant bank.

Contact Phone

Phone number of your contact. For example, 650-555-1212 or 650-555-1212 x1234.

Merchant Account Number

Your account number. You cannot change this field here.


  1. Click Update to save the changes. A gray notification box appears towards the top of the page confirming the changes. If there are any errors, a yellow box appears towards the top of the page stating the problem. Changes go into effect within one hour.