Billing Information

Update Billing page enables you to view and modify your billing information. PayPal uses this information to bill you for your Payflow services.

To access the Billing Information page, navigate to Account Administration -> Contact Information -> Billing Information.

Modifying Your Billing Information

  1. The Billing Information page displays the credit card information that is currently being used for billing purposes in the Current Billing Information section. Only the first and last four digits of your credit card number are displayed, for example, 5105XXXXXXXX5100.

  2. To update your credit card information, enter credit card number and expiration date in the Modify your Billing Information section. Be sure to enter only numbers, without any space and dashes. For example, 5105105105105100.

  3. Click Update to save the changes. A gray notification box appears towards the top of the page confirming the changes. If there are any errors, a yellow box appears towards the top of the page stating the problem.

  4. If you have changed your credit card number, verify that the billing contact information is accurate for the new credit card. See section below for more information.

Modifying Your Billing Contact Information

  1. The Billing Information page displays contact information and address for the credit card that is being used for billing purposes in the Modify your Billing Contact Information section.

  2. Review the billing information. If you wish to modify this information, then enter the information as per the table below.




Billing Contact

Name of your billing contact. Be sure to use the same name appearing on the account holder billing statement.

Street Address

Street address of the billing contact. Use the same street address that appears on the account holder billing statement.

Street Address continued

Additional street address information of the billing contact.


City of the billing contact. Be sure to use the same city that appears on the account holder billing statement.


State of the billing contact. Be sure to use the same state/province that appears on the account holder billing statement. This is required only if the address is in the United States or Canada.

Zip/Postal Code

Zip/postal code of the billing contact. Be sure to use the same zip/postal code that appears on the account holder billing statement. This is required only if the address is in the United States or Canada.

Phone Number

Phone number of the billing contact. Example: 650-555-1212 or 650-555-1212 x1234.

Fax Number

Fax number of the billing contact.


Email address of the billing contact.


  1. Click Update to save the changes. A gray notification box appears towards the top of the page confirming the changes. If there are any errors, a yellow box appears towards the top of the page stating the problem.