{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./src/templates/braintree.js","webpack:///./src/compiled/braintree/templates/home/developers/index.hbs"],"names":["Product","props","config","pathContext","useState","productContext","setProductContext","homeContent","setHomeContent","handleBarCompiler","useApplicationContext","rawTemplate","require","useEffect","context","window","BTHandlebarLib","initialize","location","setHomePageTitle","getContent","hideRightNav","hideLeftNav","hideMenu","isProductPage","dangerouslySetInnerHTML","__html","module","exports"],"mappings":"2FAAA,oEA2BeA,UAtBC,SAACC,GAEjB,IAAqBC,EAAYD,EAA1BE,YAAcD,OACrB,EAA4CE,mBAAS,IAA9CC,EAAP,KAAuBC,EAAvB,KACA,EAAsCF,mBAAS,IAAxCG,EAAP,KAAoBC,EAApB,KACQC,EAAsBC,cAAtBD,kBAEFE,EAAcC,EAAQ,QAQ1B,OAPFC,qBAAU,WACR,IAAMC,EAAUC,OAAOC,eAAeC,WAAW,CAACC,SAASjB,EAAMiB,WACjEH,OAAOC,eAAeG,iBAAiB,CAACL,YAExCN,EAAeY,YAAWT,EAAaF,EAAmBK,IAC1DR,EAAkBQ,KAClB,IAEE,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAgBO,cAAY,EAACC,aAAW,EAACC,UAAQ,EAACrB,OAAQA,EAAQsB,eAAa,EAACN,SAAUjB,EAAMiB,SAAUJ,QAAST,GAC/G,yBAAKoB,wBAAyB,CAACC,OAAQnB,Q,mBCtB/CoB,EAAOC,QAAU","file":"component---src-templates-braintree-js-af7e333eb4f76a474425.js","sourcesContent":["import React, {useState, useEffect} from \"react\";\nimport ProductLayout from \"../components/product-layout\";\nimport {useApplicationContext} from '../provider'\nimport {getContent} from '../react-hooks/useContentCompiler'\n// import rawTemplate from '../compiled/braintree/templates/home/developers/index.hbs';\nconst Product = (props) => {\n \nconst {pathContext: {config} } = props\nconst [productContext, setProductContext] = useState({});\nconst [homeContent, setHomeContent] = useState('')\nconst { handleBarCompiler } = useApplicationContext()\n\nconst rawTemplate = require(`raw-loader!../compiled/braintree/templates/home/developers/index.hbs`)\nuseEffect(()=>{\n const context = window.BTHandlebarLib.initialize({location:props.location})\n window.BTHandlebarLib.setHomePageTitle({context})\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks\n setHomeContent(getContent(rawTemplate, handleBarCompiler, context))\n setProductContext(context)\n},[])\n return (\n \n
\n \n );\n};\n\nexport default Product\n","module.exports = \"\\n
\\n Build with\\n



Resources and tools for developers to integrate Braintree's global payments platform.

\\n \\\"\\\"\\n
\\n \\n



Skip the server SDK and integrate directly with our next-generation API.

\\n \\n Go to the GraphQL docs\\n \\n External link icon\\n \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n
\\n Checkout\\n

Accept Payments


Accept and process cards, wallets, and Local Payment Methods in a single, modern integration. Store customer and payment information to reduce friction at checkout.


Checkout UI


Build a payment form with the right level of customization for your needs.

\\n See docs for Drop-in UI and Hosted Fields\\n

Payment Method Types


Add payment methods your customers want to your checkout.

\\n See all payment method types\\n

Customer Data


Securely store customer information – including payment method information.

\\n Learn about vaulting\\n
\\n {{!-- Protect --}}\\n
\\n Protect\\n

Mitigate Risk


Detect and prevent fraudulent transactions while approving more orders.


Premium Fraud Management Tools


Mitigate fraud through real-time transaction evaluation.

\\n Learn about Premium Fraud Management Tools\\n

3D Secure 2


Improve transaction security and comply with regional regulations by adding risk-based authentication.

\\n Learn about 3DS2\\n
\\n {{!-- Manage --}}\\n
\\n Manage\\n

Streamline Operations


Access transaction data all in one place and improve the efficiency of business operations.




Manage your disputes via the API, including search, status checks, and evidence submission.

\\n Learn about managing disputes via the API\\n



Get the transaction insights you need to effectively run your business.

\\n See the reporting docs\\n



Receive real-time notifications when an event occurs in our system.

\\n See the webhooks guide\\n

In-Store Payments


Link your PayPal Here integration to vault physical payment methods and manage in-store transactions within Braintree.

\\n Learn about PayPal Here on Braintree\\n
\\n\\n {{!-- Extend --}}\\n
\\n Extend\\n

Share Data


Securely connect and share data with other platforms, merchants, or service providers to power new commerce experiences and optimize your workflows.




Establish secure connections between separate Braintree accounts.

\\n Learn about OAuth\\n

Grant API


Share controlled access to payment methods in your Vault with other Braintree merchants.

\\n Learn about the Grant API\\n

Forward API


Securely send payment data from your Braintree Vault to PCI-compliant third parties.

\\n Learn about the Forward API\\n
\\n Support Articles\\n

Articles for business users


Learn the basics of payments, how to best use Braintree features for your business, and what you can do to keep payments secure.

\\n \\n Explore the support articles\\n \\n External link icon\\n \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n